This is what else

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Life becomes clear when you can stare at it long enough through a windshield.

I love spending a healthy slice of my day alone in a car, so long as it isn't terribly frequent. I seem, at the time, to be profoundly rational, brave and poetic. The music becomes me. I feel it, a narration of my life, nearly overpower me. I am moving. Ready for life to come at me fast.

Last night I chased the moon down Idaho and into Utah. It lighted my door frame, a waning companion. I took the opportunity to make an offering on the alter of the onramp. I've decided not to share any details; the thoughts came to me when I was alone and I don't want to betray them. In general, I reflected on my life, gathered some resolve and I am prepared to live the New Year.

Happy and Grateful.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like it Nate. Really. I feel as if I were the one in that car.

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so poetic. Thanks again for all of the help with my blog. It was so good to visit with you...I think it has been years since we hung out. Thanks for the stories, you have always been able to make me laugh.

9:33 PM  
Blogger Emily Jane Price said...

the thoughts came to me when I was alone and I don't want to betray them

-- oh how often I've felt this way and been unable to express it

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes! exactly.po

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought betrayal is a crime often punished by the indifference of others.

Nate's Dad

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nate,
so I finally got around to checking jared's blog today (he has a link to you-obviously).. and I was perusing.. I couldn't help but say somethng on your dad's last comment.. I love that.. I'm writing it down. Thank you-Rachel Orme

2:13 PM  
Blogger emilyfcutler said...

I love your thought betrayal line (and your dad's comment.) I actually gasped after I read it. I don't do that very often. :)

6:47 PM  
Blogger emilyfcutler said...

holy cow. I was shocked when I saw my own comment there. It's interesting that I was on my mission and somehow still I wonder that it wasn't really me because I would remember having already read such a beautiful piece of prose, and I certainly didn't remember it. Couldn't have been me then...unless that 6:47 pm represents a date after feb '08. But the possible imposter did a good impression (the word gasp and the smiley icon) because I really love the line about the thoughts received when alone. Perfect. If we should ever deserve to know them we may think them on our own. We all think it all eventually.

12:15 AM  

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